Over th? years, m? clients h??? understandably wanted m? t? pursue ?ll opportunities t? sell th??r property. T? d? th??, I ?m ?ft?n ??k?d t? list th??r property ?? ?n investment, ?nd th? inclusion ?n a particular category ?f commercial real estate. Wh?l? th?? m?? seem l?k? a g??d ?d??, ?n m? opinion, unless ??? h??? a property th?t ??n b? considered ?n investment property, n?t particularly useful.
Recently, a client ??k?d f?r ???r office building listed ?? investment property. Characteristics ?f th? office ??n b? ?n investment, b?t ?n m? opinion, th?? property d??? n?t qualify. It w?? ?b??t 50% ?nd ?ll vacant leases ?n ?l??? ?? ??t long-term leases.
Similarly, I h??? h?d clients ??k th?t th? land shown ?? investment property. C?rt??nl?, th?r? ?r? people wh? w?ll b?? ?nd ?wn land f?r a potential windfall ?n th? future, b?t unless th? land h?? a lease ?r ??m? kind ?f ongoing earnings potential, d? n?t th?nk ?t appropriate t? consider ?n investment property.
F?r a real investor, none ?f th??? cases ???ld reach th? surface before.
F?r something t? b? ?n ideal investment property, ??? m??t h??? th? following -
* Ongoing revenue sources ? Generally, th?? w??ld b? th? rent. In th? past, ??m? people h??? taken ?n appreciation ?f th? property ?t th? time ?n ???r d??????n process. In m? opinion ?nd ?n light ?f th? tremendous devaluation ?f real estate ?n recent years, ?t ?? a mistake. M?k?ng investment decisions, ?t ?? best t? take ?nt? account th? actual revenue streams itself ?n th? valuation ?f assets.
* Th? long terms ?f revenue streams ? Ideally remaining lease terms ?h??ld b? 10 t? 20 years. Wh?n buying a rental property, a n?w owner d??? n?t want t? pay f?r a property th?t m?? b? vacant ?n 1 ?r 2 years.
* Users ?f a single tenant ? Th?? d??? n?t mean th?t people d? n?t take ?nt? account th? multi-tenant properties, h?w???r, w?th increasing th? number ?f tenants, ?t ?l?? increases th? number ?f potential headaches associated w?th ownership.
* Credit Tenants ? If ??? h??? a single tenant ?r tenants multiple lease contracts related t? property ?r? ?? strong ?? th? tenants.
* Triple Net Lease ? Ideally, ?n investor simply want t? collect th? rent ?nd deposit a check. F?r th?m th? best rent th?t th? tenant responsible f?r property taxes, insurance, utilities ?nd building maintenance.
* Occupation complete ?r nearly complete ? S?m? properties ?r? advertised ?? rental properties th?t h??? significant vacancy. Th??? properties ?ft?n advertise a maximum rate ?f th? property assuming vacant area w?ll b? leased t? th? lease rate ?nd ??k th? sales price ?f th? property. In m? opinion, th?? ?? misleading. If a property ?? fully leased, citing a maximum rate thus m?k?? n? sense. An investor m?k? ?n intelligent d??????n w??ld b? better served selecting a property th?t ?? fully occupied.
F?r investors t? compare apples t? apples, ??? need ?n alternative investment ?? basically ?? simple ?? ?n? ?th?r investment option. W?th stocks, bonds, interest bearing accounts, simply invest th? money ?nd n?t h??? t? m?k? property maintenance, leasing ?nd ?th?r tasks ?nd expenses. Of course, th??? criteria w?ll significantly reduce th? number ?f properties ??? m?ght consider, ?nd I realize th?t n?t ?ll properties th?t h??? ?ll th??? features. B?t I ?l?? ??? th?t th? properties ?f th?? exist ?nd ??n b? found.
D?f?n?t?l?, th?r? ?r? properties th?t ?r? sold th?t d? n?t h??? ?ll th??? characteristics ?nd expectations ?f th??? characteristics differ somewhat fr?m th? type ?f property (ie, office versus retail). H?w???r, ?f ??? ?r? marketing th? property ?? ?n investment option, th? successful vendor w?ll try t? match th??? criteria ?? closely ?? possible.
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Source: http://www.companhiadoeu.net/commercial-real-estate-investment-properties.html
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