Friday, March 30, 2012

Why companies are scared to invest in SEO | Entrepreneur Podcast ...

Why companies are scared to invest in SEO

with Maciej Fita

Maciej Fita who is the owner of Brandignity, which is a search engine marketing firm joins Enterprise Radio.

Listen to host Eric Dye & guest Maciej Fita discuss the following:

  • What is Brandignity?
  • Where do you see the search engine marketing industry going?
  • One example when you did something online that was a huge success.
  • Why are companies scared to invest in SEO.
  • What kind of approach do we take towards SEO/SEM for a client.

Duration: 11:22

Brandignity is a search engine marketing company offering SEO service plans, social media internet marketing, pay per click online positioning and professional management services for companies looking to grow their online branding & search engine ranking efforts. We are a talented group of SEO and SEM experts that bring an extensive range of high-impact agency marketing, design and development experience to the table.

After graduating Northeastern University in Boston back in 2003 with a marketing degree I set out like many fresh college kids do and I got on my belly and crawled through the trenches of the business world. Ever since I was a little kid I knew I wanted to be in the marketing & branding area of the business space. When I was 11 years old I attempted to start my own skateboard company and from that point on I knew I would be helping others spread their business image in some sort of fashion. My first taste for the internet game was a job working for a company which specialized in B2B directory marketing. Soon after that I was given an opportunity to become an SEO manager at an agency and shortly after with a couple of bucks in my back pocket Brandignity was born. We now specialize in helping many small to medium sized businesses grasp their footing in the somewhat confusing web world.

As search engines evolve they require a more comprehensive web marketing approach to all SEO related efforts. At Brandignity we put on our best ?marketing hats? for every project we take on. We think that search engine rankings are important but so is building a business brand through proactive internet marketing and branding efforts. Efforts that over time, will naturally build a websites strength and power which ultimately will lead to increased search engine rankings. If you have any questions please don?t hesitate to contact us at 617-279-0027 or email at


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